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Showing posts from August, 2019

Eat. Read. Love.

I have never paused to consider what I like, or why I like them. Some of the most difficult questions I face are about my preferences in food, books and life choices. Because I just seem to have drifted through life without paying attention to my own preferences. I’m not a foodie. I eat to satiate hunger or boredom. And then forget about it. I am one of those people that forget to eat. I consume food mindlessly and hence, my issues with my weight. Sometimes I wish I actually enjoyed the calories I consume. Might make it easier to deal with the idea of the rolls I accumulate as a result. As a direct consequence of my lack of enthusiasm for eating, I display equal apathy when it comes to cooking. I cook well (I’ve heard it enough times to actually believe it myself). But I know my cooking lacks the magic touch a foodie has. The extra oomph. I am reminded of a day I spent in the Cotswolds in England. A day spent soaking in the sun in the charming English countryside.. the rolling hi